The “Owie Trick” for Night Weaning Toddlers

The “Owie Trick” for Night Weaning Toddlers

The “Owie Trick” is not a sleep training method, it’s just one small thing to potentially incorporate with an empathetic toddler to help it feel like THEIR idea to reduce or stop breastfeeding at night by having compassion for their mom’s “owies”.

Disclaimer, I am really not into “gimmicks” and “tricks” to getting a child to sleep. The only thing that works is implementing and enforcing the exact same routine and boundaries every single day which takes EFFORT. There is no “quick fix” for prolonged sleep problems. 

However, this “hack” targets one facet of teaching a toddler to sleep: night weaning from the breast. This is for children whose parents for whatever reason (you do not have to explain yourself) would like to stop breastfeeding during the night. It has been helpful for many families who are bed sharing with their toddler.

The “Owie Trick” will work best with children who are:

  1. At least 16 months old

  2. Empathetic

  3. Familiar with the concept of bandaids making the “owie” all better

Here’s how to do the “Owie Trick” to help a toddler with night weaning:

  1. Offer more calories during the day. Since your toddler is currently getting a decent portion of calories during the night, make sure they eat plenty of nutrient dense foods during the day. You can also still breastfeed during the day and at the bedtime routine, if that is your desire. 

  2. Nurse at the beginning of the bedtime routine, then put on a shirt and put two bandaids over your breasts. When the child attempts to access the breasts in the night, show them the bandaids and say owie! 

  3. Have your spouse comfort the child if they cry. They can have a small bottle or paci if they are extremely upset and worked up. However, consistency should bring about fewer attempts, and less fussing over a period of time until they no longer ask to nurse during the night. 

If your toddler easily gives up nighttime breastfeeding with this hack, you’re welcome ;) If not, you may need a long game of specific guidance and support. Set up a free 15 min discovery call with me to see if my sleep coaching services are a perfect fit for your family!


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