When Should You Stop Swaddling?
A common question I receive is: WHEN to stop swaddling my baby?
Velcro swaddles, muslin blanket swaddles, hospital blanket swaddles, swaddling products, sleep sacks - there are so many different swaddling items on the market that a lot of new parents just don’t use any of them all. So let’s demystify a little.
Newborn babies love to be swaddled, because it provides them a feeling of being held tight and secure just like they were in the womb. I believe a gentle transition from womb to world is helpful for babies. Imagine if all you had ever known was feeling tightly held, warm, dark, fluid…and then all of a sudden it was bright lights, clothing on your skin, loud noises, your limbs flailing…I always say, it must be shocking to be born! :)
Newborn babies should be swaddled only during sleep, until they are old enough to break free of the blanket or trying to roll over. This typically occurs around 8 weeks for a full-term baby.
However, I prefer not to just ditch all swaddling completely when that happens. I like to gradually transition babies out of a full swaddle.
When you notice your baby starting to attempt to roll over, or even if you did a great job on the swaddle it’s still in a loose pile by the end of the naptime, you can try swaddling with one arm out. This is a transitional swaddle. Your baby can still move around but it is not as hazardous.
If you are ready to switch from traditional swaddling altogether, a good next step is to temporarily use a Magic Merlin Sleep Suit. This helps baby feel secure and aids in their sleep while they get used to not having their limbs swaddled up.
For the rest of your baby’s first year, a regular sleep sack is a great idea. This keeps them warm, since they are not old enough to have a blanket yet, and helps them feel somewhat contained yet safe with their arms free. It also keeps them from climbing out of the crib.
Most swaddle blankets and sleep sacks on the market are just fine, no need to agonize over all the choices. You can also ask a friend whose baby is a bit older if you can try out some of their old ones to see what you like best!