How Long Your Child’s Bedtime Routine Should Last

How long should bedtime take?

A bedtime routine may look a little different depending on the age of the child, but these things will remain the same:

💤 Simple and well defined
💤 Quiet and calm
💤 Always the same steps in the same order

A young baby gets tired easily and sleeps every couple hours, so they don’t need much lead-up. A simple 10-minute bedtime routine consisting of rocking, story, sleep sack and a key song/phrase is perfect!

An older baby/young toddler needs a little more of a clearly defined transition between awake time and sleep time. Take them into their darkened or dimly-lit room for 15 minutes of winding down, lotion, story, sound machine etc.

Toddlers and school age children need a longer and very well defined transition period between awake time and sleep time. Reduce evening screen time and provide quiet activity before retreating to their room for 20 minutes of focused bedtime which may include bath, stories, special song, etc.

Avoiding fussing, crying, and whining at bedtime is the natural result of a firm, loving, and consistent bedtime routine. Your child learns the steps and takes comfort and security in the fact that they always happen in the same order, every time, and begins to enjoy and look forward to the expected routine! Many times the babies and toddlers I work with actually start reaching out toward the crib at the end of the routine!

Write down your bedtime routine and stick it on the fridge or in the nursery, so any of your child’s caregivers can easily follow the routine they’re used to!

How long is your child’s bedtime routine and what is their age? Join the conversation on our Instagram!

Click the image for a free printable ideal bedtime guide!


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